Company Profile

I Strengths of our company are as follows:

  • Overview economies of ASEAN countries, Brazil, China, Japan and India - main tax and legal aspects;
  • The system of Match-making for partner search in ASEAN countries, Brazil, China, Japan and India;
  • How to tackle the foreign challenge – applied business methodologies;
  • Ad hoc courses for specific companies.

Ilaika Consulting operates mainly in the ASEAN countries (Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam and Cambodia), Brazil, China, Japan and India.
Singapore is considered the Gate entry (starting point) for all ASEAN countries because of its low taxation, transparency in activities, ease of doing business, bilateral treaties with all neighbouring countries, secure financial hub thanks to the stability of the local government, use of state-of-the-art technology and desire to attract more and more foreign investment.

Our philosophy

Ilaika Consulting's philosophy is based on skill, experience and professionalism.

Capacity: the perfect match making between supply and demand.

Experience: a team consisting of people working in different countries for a long time who are able to provide advice in the required areas.

Professionalism: Ilaika Consulting follows with seriousness and dedication 24h its companies and the people who work there.

Business, Dimension & People are key factors to increase the revenue of Italian and European companies abroad (business) with a structure created ad hoc for the same (dimension) and with foreign partners selected according to the specific needs (People).

Why Choose

Ilaika Consulting is able to deal with and find solutions to the problems of European companies who want to internationalization such as: corporate size; Costs of access to high foreign markets; Insufficient knowledge of the dynamics of foreign markets; Cultural gap. Ilaika Consulting represents a new form of consulting company that offers...

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